
5 Types Of Online Surveys For Business

posted by Chris Valentine

Many companies have been using the internet to gather data on all aspects of their businesses. Though there are so many tools available, an online survey is a hassle-free way to collect valuable information from the users.

However, there are different ways to conduct surveys to accomplish different goals. Therefore, sometimes it becomes tricky to determine which type of study you should conduct to enhance your organization.

Here, we’ve listed the five most commonly used surveys that can benefit your business-

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Measuring customer satisfaction is an important step towards building a foundation on which your business can grow. Therefore, of all the types of surveys, a customer satisfaction survey is the most widely used. This method is used to gauge how customers feel about your products and services. It provides a valuable insight which you can use to make business improvements and keep customer retention high.

Though you can’t force the customers to fill out your surveys, it’s important to ask the right questions and make survey fun, inviting. Further, you need to segment your customer base to get effective results. You can use survey software to collect and analyze the information quickly. Performing the survey in an integrated web system would help you save money.

NPS Surveys

NSP or Net Promoter Score surveys serve the purpose of finding out how likely a client or customer is to refer your business. The idea behind this survey is based on the fact that if the audience thinks to encourage your business, you’re doing pretty well job.

Under this survey, the audience is categorized into three groups- passives, promoters, and detractors. The scoring of the answer is most commonly based on 0 to 10 scale. Those who respond with 9 to 10 score are Promoters and are considered more likely for making positive referrals to other customers. Detractors response between 0 and 6 and are less likely to refer your business. Passives fall between promoters and contractors.

Through this survey, how well your business and doing so that you can deploy marketing efforts to change detractors/passives and promoters.

Marketing And Product Surveys

This type of surveys helps your business to understand the audience, their needs and wants, and how to fulfill them. You can find out things like who your target audience is, what factors influence their purchase, what type of messaging resonates best, etc. It will be a great advantage if you collect this information in the early process of product launch. By doing so, you would be able to introduce your new product to the audience that fulfils their needs.

Event And Conference Evaluation Surveys

A questionnaire to evaluate how well the audience attended your event or conference is a specific type of survey method. It helps you to gauge feedback on everything from venue and accommodation to the quality of speakers.

It provides the audience with a chance to interact with your brand. You can capture honest opinions and perceptions from the attendees, which can be used to improve your next event. However, keep the event short and to-the-point to better evaluate every aspect of the event.

Human Resource, Employee Surveys

Human resource and employee survey helps you to measure employee engagement and satisfaction. It is an excellent way to learn about a variety of things like if the employees are happy working with your company.

For employee satisfaction, it makes sense to survey your audience so that you gather feedback and collect responses from the entire company. This type of survey is extremely helpful for HR, as it is a great way to get anonymous feedback.


It’s a bit difficult that your business gets everything right all the time. Therefore, it is necessary to make surveys a part of your business improvement process. You can implement these surveys to improve the chance of your organization being successful.

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