
Dating Advice for Men in Awkward Situations

posted by Chris Valentine

The way people find dates is different than it was 20 years ago. A little over 25 million people now use smartphone apps for dating.

Whether you use an app for finding your next date or meet someone in real life, there’s one thing most first dates have in common. What is it? Awkward moments!

Read on for some to-the-point dating advice for men about dealing with awkward dating moments.

Awkward Situations

Let’s talk about what constitutes an awkward situation. Let’s face it, there are so many situations that turn awkward!

Want to hear about other dating situations and how to handle them? Check out The Jordan Harbinger Show. Here are a few scenarios to get you started.

The Future Planner

You met what you thought was the perfect woman for you. You’re on the date, things are going pretty well but you don’t feel any chemistry. After a while, you realize you’re even a little bored.

You’re thinking she probably feels the same way when she pipes up and says, “Hey, there’s this great little new restaurant in my neighborhood. We should go next weekend.” Uh-oh.

You don’t want another date but you don’t want to lead her on either. Awkward moment. What do you do?

This one’s pretty easy. Be honest, but not right now. If you tell her right now, things are going to get even more awkward,

Instead, for the moment, say, “Hmmm…sounds interesting.” At the end of the evening, let your date know in as kind a way as possible you don’t feel the two of you are a good fit.

Wondering what to say? Try, “It was nice meeting you. I had a good time but I don’t think we’re a good fit.”

Honesty is so much better than ghosting her over the next few days. Don’t be that guy.

The Bill

Did you ask her out? Then you pay the bill. If she offers to pay that’s nice but don’t let her.

If you go out for an after-dinner drink and she offers, you can let her pay then or not. It’s up to you.

The Awkward Goodnight Kiss

The date is over, you’ve walked her to her car, and she turns her face up for a kiss. You’re not interested in kissing her but you don’t want to hurt her feelings. Awkward.

Turn your face to the side and let her kiss your cheek. Awkwardness avoided! Handle the rest like you would the future planner.

Let her know it was nice meeting her but you don’t think you’re a good match. Honesty is kinder than leading someone on.

Dating Advice for Men for Those Awkward Moments

Keep in mind this dating advice for men for those awkward moments and you’ll do great! Everyone who dates has awkward moments now and then. Don’t let it get you down.

Be a gentleman, hold doors, pick up the tab if you asked her out. If you’re not into her, let her know. Honesty really is the best policy.

Don’t overthink things and don’t lay in bed at night thinking about those awkward moments. Move on! The right person is out there for you and you will find her.

Looking for more good advice? Keep reading the blog!

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