
How Technology is Changing the Cultural Pattern

posted by Chris Valentine

It is not a secret or a surprise that technology has advanced so much in recent years. 

The exponential growth that we are witnessing right now started many years before, and it doesn’t look as it will be stopping any time soon.

On the other hand, we are also witnessing a change in society as well. Is that a cause of an effect of the technological revolution, remains to be seen, but the one option with the highest probability is that it is, in fact, both. 

We might take the introduction of the internet as the modern Big Bang since the virtual universe is where the entire technological magic happens. Essentially, without the internet, none of these advancements would be possible, or important as much because being as it is, they affect more people than ever before. 

According to Internet World Stats, more than 4 billion people have access to the internet, which is more than half of the entire human population. And the facts and stats do not lie.

How It Affects Us

Three points about how technology affects us: accessibility, acceleration, and association. In short, as more people get access to more information, the information spreads faster and creates a larger community.

Accessibility is one of the main principles of this revolution. From the internet to a host of portable devices, the most important thing that new technology needs to achieve is to enable easier access with a simpler interface. That includes updated versions of smartphones, better networks, more storage, and generally speaking, more devices.

When we talk about acceleration, the answer is self-explanatory. Thanks to these advancements, we are able to access information much faster, and each day brings improvements in that field. We can even go as far as to call our society the Instant Society, associety creates technology, but technology also creates society. 

It is an on-going circle of evolution where the pace constantly picks up, up to the point when we say that it all happens in an instant. And that is what we’ve become – an instant society, where things that need time to load are soon going to be replaced with something faster and more efficient.

And the fact that more than half of the entire species spend time in the virtual world speaks volumes about the importance of association. To a certain extent, it is a paradox. Humans are social beings, yes, but with new technology, there is no need to socialize – at least not physically – and yet people do it all the time on the internet. 

The Fruits of Our Labour

We now have more access to more information than ever before. That means better education, more job offers, a plethora of fresh and creative ideas, and a united community. 

With better, faster computers and phones, you can enroll in colleges and courses, get a job and perform all the little house chores without even having to leave your home. And you are not missing out on any experience at all.

As for entertainment, the scope of beneficial changes cannot be even grasped. Live streaming has become one of the focal points of the society of today, while games have been brought on a whole different level with VR and AR, cloud-based gaming and 3D. Even the casino industry is a part of this revolution. More specifically, the live casino gaming which, with the usage up-and-coming technological solutions transforms the entire idea of classic gambling experience. You can now get a taste of the thrill found within the walls of brick-and-mortar casinos without actually visiting the venues. And that is the goal: maximum authenticity at the palm of your hand.

Before Big Bang

We became aware of the breakneck speed of progress after we entered the new millennium. Before all that, change was always visible, but left a lesser impact on us – or so we think. There is an easy explanation for that. Namely, technology has always influenced the society just like society dictated the speed of growth of technology.  Even at the start of civilization when people formed tribes, survival depended on tools and their efficiency. 

Those who had the most innovative equipment thrived, while others struggled. In a way, technology is a tool for us, and the principle is the same, even today. Better technology means better civilization but the struggle to grasp its importance stems from the fact that we live in a world with a striking generation gap. 

The only difference between us and the former ancient cultures is that change happens much faster now: we have generations that were raised in the age before the internet, generations that grew up with the internet as a luxury, and we have children who do not even know that a period before the internet even existed.

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