
How to Ace a Test: 10 Top Study Tips for Students

posted by Chris Valentine

Are you stressing out about learning how to ace a test? Read this article to learn the best study tips for students wanting to pass.

Test-taking can be one of the most stressful parts of student life.

Some students are naturally good guessers and handle the pressure well, others freeze up whenever they have to take a test.

No matter which end of the test-taking spectrum you’re on, there are always ways to improve your skills and ensure you get as many points as possible.

This article will teach you how to ace a test.

1. Plan Study Time Early

Chances are your test date will sneak up on you.

Always schedule times to study early so you know you have enough time reserved.

Carve out one hour per day every day for a week before the test. This will ensure you’re not cramming the night before.

2. Attend Review Sessions

Many teachers will offer review sessions to go over what will be on the exam.

Be sure to clear your schedule and go to these sessions so you can ask your teacher questions.

3. Make Flashcards

Handheld flashcards are an amazing way to review before a big test.

You get the benefit of learning while you’re making the cards, and then you have a game to study with.

Make the flashcards by reading through your textbook and asking yourself questions on one side of the card, and put the answer on the back.

Start by going through the entire stack of flashcards. Make a pile of the cards you get right and the cards you miss.

Eventually, you will whittle down the stack of flashcards until there are none left in the “wrong” pile.

Flashcards are also a great way to bring a partner into your studying. Even if they know nothing about the subject, they can read the cards and quiz you along the way.

4. Form a Study Group

Study groups are an extremely useful tool in making sure you understand the information.

You can clarify what the other members of the group think about different topics. You can make sure you’re prioritizing the right information.

Also, different members of the study group will have different perspectives on the lecture.

Meeting with a study group is essential in ensuring you have a 360 degree understanding of the material.

5. Take a Practice Test

Depending on the exam you’re taking, there might be a practice test available for you to take.

Many standardized tests including the MCAT, SAT, LSAT, and TEAS have online practice tests you can take.

A teas practice test will prepare you in the subjects you need to know and make you more confident going into the exam.

6. Exercise Your Body

If you expect your mind to work optimally you have to exercise your body as well.

Working out will help get the blood flowing through your body and will make you feel better mentally.

Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Cardiovascular exercise such as running will help build your endurance while strength training will make you stronger overall.

Alternate between cardio and strength and be sure to take at least one rest day a week.

7. Eat Healthily

Be sure to eat foods that will help enhance your brainpower.

Chugging caffeine is ok in a pinch, but it can’t make up for a crappy diet.

Foods that are higher in sugar and fat will ultimately make you feel tired and sluggish. Replace these items with fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

Oily fish, dark chocolate, and berries are all good for your brainpower. Pack a few of these as snacks to eat at your study location.

8. Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleeping well will keep your brain sharper.

Be sure to aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every single night. Create a bedtime ritual to help you unwind before you hit the hay.

This can include washing your face, brushing your teeth, doing some light stretching and reading a book to relax you.

if you have a hard time falling asleep, try to avoid scrolling on your cellphone. The light from the screen can screw up your REM sleep and keep you up later.

Read a book that you find calming, or better yet study your flashcards right before you fall asleep. Your brain will absorb the information as you sleep.

9. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol and hard drugs should be avoided before a big test.

These things can damage brain cells and literally slow down the way you think.

Try to cut alcohol out of your diet for two weeks before a test and notice how your brain seems clearer and sharper.

Replace alcohol with green tea or a smoothie.

10. Use the Library

The public library or the library at your university is a great resource for studying.

Not only will this offer you a quiet place to think, but there are also a ton of free books at your disposal.

You can learn almost any subject by checking a few books out at the library.

It is also a good source for free Wifi if you don’t have it at your apartment. The different floors of the library have different rules for noise levels, go to the one that suits your needs.

Now You Know How to Ace A Test

Figuring out how to ace a test will come down to your own study preferences.

Everyone has their own way of learning things and storing information. If you know you study well in a busy cafe, go study in a busy cafe.

If you carve out enough time to study, take care of your body, and join a study group, it’s likely you will come out of the test with an A.

Check out our other articles for more lifestyle tips.

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